-rw-r--r-- 6437 libntruprime-20241021/src/kem/sntrupP/factored/kem.c raw
#include "params.h" #include "randombytes.h" #include "crypto_hash_sha512.h" #include "crypto_sort_uint32.h" #include "crypto_declassify.h" #include "crypto_int8.h" #include "crypto_int16.h" #include "crypto_int32.h" #include "crypto_uint16.h" #include "crypto_uint32.h" #define int8 crypto_int8 #define int16 crypto_int16 #define int32 crypto_int32 #define uint16 crypto_uint16 #define uint32 crypto_uint32 /* ----- arithmetic mod 3 */ typedef int8 small; /* F3 is always represented as -1,0,1 */ /* ----- arithmetic mod q */ typedef int16 Fq; /* always represented as -(q-1)/2...(q-1)/2 */ /* ----- small polynomials */ /* R3_fromR(R_fromRq(r)) */ static void R3_fromRq(small *out,const Fq *r) { crypto_encode_pxfreeze3((unsigned char *) out,(unsigned char *) r); } /* h = f*g in the ring R3 */ static void R3_mult(small *h,const small *f,const small *g) { crypto_core_mult3((unsigned char *) h,(const unsigned char *) f,(const unsigned char *) g,0); } /* ----- polynomials mod q */ /* h = h*g in the ring Rq */ static void Rq_mult_small(Fq *h,const small *g) { crypto_encode_pxint16((unsigned char *) h,h); crypto_core_mult((unsigned char *) h,(const unsigned char *) h,(const unsigned char *) g,0); crypto_decode_pxint16(h,(const unsigned char *) h); } /* h = 3f in Rq */ static void Rq_mult3(Fq *h,const Fq *f) { crypto_encode_pxint16((unsigned char *) h,f); crypto_core_scale3((unsigned char *) h,(const unsigned char *) h,0,0); crypto_decode_pxint16(h,(const unsigned char *) h); } /* out = 1/(3*in) in Rq */ /* caller must have 2p+1 bytes free in out, not just 2p */ static void Rq_recip3(Fq *out,const small *in) { crypto_core_inv((unsigned char *) out,(const unsigned char *) in,0,0); /* could check byte 2*p for failure; but, in context, inv always works */ crypto_decode_pxint16(out,(unsigned char *) out); } /* ----- underlying hash function */ #define Hash_bytes 32 static void Hash(unsigned char *out,const unsigned char *in,int inlen) { unsigned char h[64]; int i; crypto_hash_sha512(h,in,inlen); for (i = 0;i < 32;++i) out[i] = h[i]; } /* ----- higher-level randomness */ static void Short_random(small *out) { uint32 L[ppadsort]; int i; randombytes((unsigned char *) L,4*p); crypto_decode_pxint32(L,(unsigned char *) L); for (i = 0;i < w;++i) L[i] = L[i]&(uint32)-2; for (i = w;i < p;++i) L[i] = (L[i]&(uint32)-3)|1; for (i = p;i < ppadsort;++i) L[i] = 0xffffffff; crypto_sort_uint32(L,ppadsort); for (i = 0;i < p;++i) out[i] = (L[i]&3)-1; } static void Small_random(small *out) { uint32 L[p]; int i; randombytes((unsigned char *) L,sizeof L); crypto_decode_pxint32(L,(unsigned char *) L); for (i = 0;i < p;++i) out[i] = (((L[i]&0x3fffffff)*3)>>30)-1; } /* ----- Streamlined NTRU Prime */ typedef small Inputs[p]; /* passed by reference */ #define Ciphertexts_bytes Rounded_bytes #define SecretKeys_bytes (2*Small_bytes) #define PublicKeys_bytes Rq_bytes #define Confirm_bytes 32 /* c,r_enc[1:] = Hide(r,pk,cache); cache is Hash4(pk) */ /* also set r_enc[0]=3 */ /* also set x[0]=2, and x[1:1+Hash_bytes] = Hash3(r_enc) */ /* also overwrite x[1+Hash_bytes:1+2*Hash_bytes] */ static void Hide(unsigned char *x,unsigned char *c,unsigned char *r_enc,const Inputs r,const unsigned char *pk,const unsigned char *cache) { Fq h[p]; int i; Small_encode(r_enc+1,r); Rq_decode(h,pk); Rq_mult_small(h,r); Round_and_encode(c,h); r_enc[0] = 3; Hash(x+1,r_enc,1+Small_bytes); for (i = 0;i < Hash_bytes;++i) x[1+Hash_bytes+i] = cache[i]; x[0] = 2; Hash(c+Ciphertexts_bytes,x,1+Hash_bytes*2); } #include "crypto_kem.h" void crypto_kem_keypair(unsigned char *pk,unsigned char *sk) { small g[p]; for (;;) { Small_random(g); { small v[p+1]; small vp; crypto_core_inv3((unsigned char *) v,(const unsigned char *) g,0,0); vp = v[p]; crypto_declassify(&vp,sizeof vp); if (vp == 0) { Small_encode(sk+Small_bytes,v); break; } } } { small f[p]; Short_random(f); Small_encode(sk,f); { Fq h[p+1]; Rq_recip3(h,f); /* always works */ Rq_mult_small(h,g); Rq_encode(pk,h); } } { int i; unsigned char sksave = sk[SecretKeys_bytes-1]; for (i = 0;i < PublicKeys_bytes;++i) sk[SecretKeys_bytes+i] = pk[i]; sk[SecretKeys_bytes-1] = 4; Hash(sk+SecretKeys_bytes+PublicKeys_bytes+Small_bytes,sk+SecretKeys_bytes-1,1+PublicKeys_bytes); sk[SecretKeys_bytes-1] = sksave; randombytes(sk+SecretKeys_bytes+PublicKeys_bytes,Small_bytes); } } void crypto_kem_enc(unsigned char *c,unsigned char *k,const unsigned char *pk) { unsigned char cache[Hash_bytes]; int i; { unsigned char y[1+PublicKeys_bytes]; /* XXX: can eliminate with incremental hashing */ for (i = 0;i < PublicKeys_bytes;++i) y[1+i] = pk[i]; y[0] = 4; Hash(cache,y,sizeof y); } { Inputs r; Short_random(r); { unsigned char r_enc[Small_bytes+1]; unsigned char x[1+Hash_bytes+Ciphertexts_bytes+Confirm_bytes]; Hide(x,c,r_enc,r,pk,cache); for (i = 0;i < Ciphertexts_bytes+Confirm_bytes;++i) x[1+Hash_bytes+i] = c[i]; x[0] = 1; Hash(k,x,sizeof x); } } } void crypto_kem_dec(unsigned char *k,const unsigned char *c,const unsigned char *sk) { const unsigned char *pk = sk+SecretKeys_bytes; const unsigned char *rho = pk+PublicKeys_bytes; const unsigned char *cache = rho+Small_bytes; int mask,i; Inputs r; { Fq d[p]; Rounded_decode(d,c); { small f[p]; Small_decode(f,sk); Rq_mult_small(d,f); Rq_mult3(d,d); } { small e[p]; small v[p]; R3_fromRq(e,d); Small_decode(v,sk+Small_bytes); R3_mult(r,e,v); } crypto_core_wforce((unsigned char *) r,(unsigned char *) r,0,0); } { unsigned char r_enc[1+Small_bytes]; unsigned char cnew[Ciphertexts_bytes+Confirm_bytes]; unsigned char x[1+Hash_bytes+Ciphertexts_bytes+Confirm_bytes]; /* XXX: can use incremental hashing to reduce x size */ Hide(x,cnew,r_enc,r,pk,cache); mask = crypto_verify_clen(c,cnew); for (i = 0;i < Small_bytes;++i) r_enc[i+1] ^= mask&(r_enc[i+1]^rho[i]); Hash(x+1,r_enc,1+Small_bytes); /* XXX: can instead do cmov on cached hash of rho */ for (i = 0;i < Ciphertexts_bytes+Confirm_bytes;++i) x[1+Hash_bytes+i] = c[i]; x[0] = 1+mask; Hash(k,x,sizeof x); } }