-rwxr-xr-x 51622 libntruprime-20240825/autogen/test raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
def save(fn,x):
with open(fn) as f:
cur = f.read()
if cur == x: return
with open(fn,'w') as f:
# ----- Python versions of the subroutines
def littleendian(x,bytes):
return [255&(x>>(8*i)) for i in range(bytes)]
def int16(x):
x %= 65536
if x >= 32768: x -= 65536
return x
def freeze(x,q):
x %= q
if x+x >= q: x -= q
return x
limit = 16384
def Encode(R,M):
if len(M) == 0: return []
S = []
if len(M) == 1:
r,m = R[0],M[0]
while m > 1:
S += [r%256]
r,m = r//256,(m+255)//256
return S
R2,M2 = [],[]
for i in range(0,len(M)-1,2):
m,r = M[i]*M[i+1],R[i]+M[i]*R[i+1]
while m >= limit:
S += [r%256]
r,m = r//256,(m+255)//256
R2 += [r]
M2 += [m]
if len(M)&1:
R2 += [R[-1]]
M2 += [M[-1]]
return S+Encode(R2,M2)
def Decode(S,M):
if len(M) == 0: return []
if len(M) == 1: return [sum(S[i]*256**i for i in range(len(S)))%M[0]]
k = 0
bottom,M2 = [],[]
for i in range(0,len(M)-1,2):
m,r,t = M[i]*M[i+1],0,1
while m >= limit:
r,t,k,m = r+S[k]*t,t*256,k+1,(m+255)//256
bottom += [(r,t)]
M2 += [m]
if len(M)&1:
M2 += [M[-1]]
R2 = Decode(S[k:],M2)
R = []
for i in range(0,len(M)-1,2):
r,t = bottom[i//2]
r += t*R2[i//2]
R += [r%M[i]]
R += [(r//M[i])%M[i+1]]
if len(M)&1:
R += [R2[-1]]
return R
def decode_int16(s):
s = list(s)
assert len(s) == 2
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = [s[0]+256*s[1]]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def decode_pxint16(p,s):
s = list(s)
assert len(s) == 2*p
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = [s[2*i]+256*s[2*i+1] for i in range(p)]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def decode_pxint32(p,s):
s = list(s)
assert len(s) == 4*p
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = [s[4*i]+256*s[4*i+1]+65536*s[4*i+2]+16777216*s[4*i+3] for i in range(p)]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def decode_px3(p,s):
s = list(s)
assert len(s) == (p+3)/4
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = [((s[i//4]>>(2*(i%4)))&3)-1 for i in range(p)]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def decode_pxr(p,r,s):
s = list(s)
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = Decode(s,p*[r])
x = [3*xi-3*(r-1)//2 for xi in x]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def decode_pxq(p,q,s):
s = list(s)
assert all(si >= 0 for si in s)
assert all(si < 256 for si in s)
x = Decode(s,p*[q])
x = [xi-(q-1)//2 for xi in x]
return {'x':x,'s':s}
def encode_int16(x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == 1
assert all(xi >= 0 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 65536 for xi in x)
s = [x[0]%256,x[0]//256]
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_pxint16(p,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= 0 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 65536 for xi in x)
s = []
for xi in x:
s += [xi%256,xi//256]
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_px3(p,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= 0 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 256 for xi in x)
xpad = list(x)
while len(xpad)%4: xpad += [-1]
s = [(xpad[i]+1)+4*(xpad[i+1]+1)+16*(xpad[i+2]+1)+64*(xpad[i+3]+1) for i in range(0,len(xpad),4)]
s = [si%256 for si in s]
assert len(s) == (p+3)/4
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_pxfreeze3(p,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= -32768 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 32768 for xi in x)
s = [xi-3*((10923*xi+16384)>>15) for xi in x]
s = [si%256 for si in s]
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_pxr(p,r,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= -32768 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 32768 for xi in x)
R = [(((xi+3*(r-1)//2)&16383)*10923)>>15 for xi in x]
s = Encode(R,p*[r])
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_pxrround(p,r,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= -32768 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 32768 for xi in x)
y = [3*((10923*xi+16384)>>15) for xi in x]
R = [(((yi+3*(r-1)//2)&16383)*10923)>>15 for yi in y]
s = Encode(R,p*[r])
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def encode_pxq(p,q,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= -32768 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 32768 for xi in x)
R = [(xi+(q-1)//2)&16383 for xi in x]
s = Encode(R,p*[q])
return {'s':s,'x':x}
def mult(p,f,g):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
g = list(g)
assert len(g) == p
fg = [0]*(p+p-1)
for i in range(p):
for j in range(p):
fg[i+j] += f[i]*g[j]
for i in reversed(range(0,p-1)):
fg[i] += fg[i+p]
fg[i+1] += fg[i+p]
fg[i+p] = 0
return fg[:p]
def recip(q,R0,R1):
R0 = list(R0)
R1 = list(R1)
d = len(R1)
assert d > 0
assert len(R0) == d+1
f = [fi%q for fi in reversed(R0)]
g = [gi%q for gi in reversed(R1)]+[0]
v = [0]
r = [1]
n = 2*d-1
delta = 1
while n > 0:
v = [0]+v
r = r+[0]
assert f[0] != 0
f = f[:n]
if delta > 0 and g[0] != 0: delta,f,g,v,r = -delta,g,f,r,v
f0,g0 = f[0],g[0]
delta += 1
g = [(f0*gi-g0*fi)%q for fi,gi in zip(f,g)]
g = g[1:]+[0]
v = v[:d]
r = r[:d]
r = [(f0*ri-g0*vi)%q for ri,vi in zip(r,v)]
n -= 1
g = g[:n]
if delta != 0: return
f0inv = pow(f[0],q-2,q)
v = v[:d]
v = [(f0inv*vi)%q for vi in v]
return v
invcheck = True
def core_inv3sntrup(p,f):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
assert all(fi >= 0 for fi in f)
assert all(fi < 256 for fi in f)
F = [[0,1,0,-1][3&fi] for fi in f]
v = recip(3,[-1,-1]+[0]*(p-2)+[1],F)
if v is None:
result = [0]*p+[255]
if invcheck:
vf = mult(p,v,F)
vf = [vfi%3 for vfi in vf]
assert vf == [1]+[0]*(p-1)
result = [freeze(vi,3)%256 for vi in v]+[0]
return {'h':result,'n':f,'k':[],'c':[]}
def core_invsntrup(p,q,f):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
assert all(fi >= 0 for fi in f)
assert all(fi < 256 for fi in f)
F = [3*freeze(fi,256) for fi in f]
v = recip(q,[-1,-1]+[0]*(p-2)+[1],F)
if v is None:
result = [0]*(2*p)+[255]
if invcheck:
vf = mult(p,v,F)
vf = [vfi%q for vfi in vf]
assert vf == [1]+[0]*(p-1)
result = []
for vi in v:
vi = freeze(vi,q)
result += littleendian(vi,2)
result += [0]
assert len(result) == 2*p+1
return {'h':result,'n':f,'k':[],'c':[]}
def core_mult3sntrup(p,f,g):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
assert all(fi >= 0 for fi in f)
assert all(fi < 256 for fi in f)
f = [[0,1,0,-1][3&fi] for fi in f]
g = list(g)
assert len(g) == p
assert all(gi >= 0 for gi in g)
assert all(gi < 256 for gi in g)
g = [[0,1,0,-1][3&gi] for gi in g]
fg = mult(p,f,g)
fg = [freeze(fgi,3)%256 for fgi in fg]
return {'h':fg,'n':f,'k':g,'c':[]}
def core_multsntrup(p,q,f,g):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
assert all(fi >= -32768 for fi in f)
assert all(fi < 32768 for fi in f)
g = list(g)
assert len(g) == p
assert all(gi >= 0 for gi in g)
assert all(gi < 256 for gi in g)
g = [[0,1,0,-1][3&gi] for gi in g]
fg = mult(p,f,g)
fg = [freeze(fgi,q) for fgi in fg]
encodefg = []
for fgi in fg: encodefg += littleendian(fgi,2)
encodef = []
for fi in f: encodef += littleendian(fi,2)
return {'h':encodefg,'n':encodef,'k':g,'c':[]}
def core_scale3sntrup(p,q,f):
f = list(f)
assert len(f) == p
assert all(fi >= -32768 for fi in f)
assert all(fi < 32768 for fi in f)
h = []
for x in f:
x = int16(3*x)
x = int16(x-(q+1)//2)
if x < 0: x = int16(x+q)
if x < 0: x = int16(x+q)
x = int16(x-(q-1)//2)
h += [x]
encodef = []
for fi in f: encodef += littleendian(fi,2)
encodeh = []
for hi in h: encodeh += littleendian(hi,2)
return {'h':encodeh,'n':encodef,'k':[],'c':[]}
def core_weightsntrup(p,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= 0 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 256 for xi in x)
y = sum(xi&1 for xi in x)
assert y >= 0
assert y <= p
return {'h':littleendian(y,2),'n':x,'k':[],'c':[]}
def core_wforcesntrup(p,w,x):
x = list(x)
assert len(x) == p
assert all(xi >= 0 for xi in x)
assert all(xi < 256 for xi in x)
y = sum(xi&1 for xi in x)
assert y >= 0
assert y <= p
z = x if y == w else [1]*w+[0]*(p-w)
return {'h':z,'n':x,'k':[],'c':[]}
# ----- precomputed test vectors
precomputed = {}
precomputedxtype = {}
def precompute():
global precomputed
systems = ( # p,q,sk,pk,ct,w,ninv
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(2)] for loop in range(16)]
precomputed['decode','int16'] = [decode_int16(s) for s in inputs]
precomputedxtype['decode','int16'] = 'uint16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(65536)] for loop in range(16)]
precomputed['encode','int16'] = [encode_int16(x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode','int16'] = 'uint16_t'
numtests = 4
for p,q,sk,pk,ct,w,ninv in systems:
r = (q+2)//3
assert q == 3*r-2
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(2*p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['decode',f'{p}xint16'] = [decode_pxint16(p,s) for s in inputs]
precomputedxtype['decode',f'{p}xint16'] = 'uint16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(4*p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['decode',f'{p}xint32'] = [decode_pxint32(p,s) for s in inputs]
precomputedxtype['decode',f'{p}xint32'] = 'uint32_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range((p+3)//4)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['decode',f'{p}x3'] = [decode_px3(p,s) for s in inputs]
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(ct-32)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['decode',f'{p}x{r}'] = [decode_pxr(p,r,s) for s in inputs]
precomputedxtype['decode',f'{p}x{r}'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(pk)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['decode',f'{p}x{q}'] = [decode_pxq(p,q,s) for s in inputs]
precomputedxtype['decode',f'{p}x{q}'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(65536) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}xint16'] = [encode_pxint16(p,x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode',f'{p}xint16'] = 'uint16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}x3'] = [encode_px3(p,x) for x in inputs]
inputs = [[random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}xfreeze3'] = [encode_pxfreeze3(p,x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode',f'{p}xfreeze3'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}x{r}'] = [encode_pxr(p,r,x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode',f'{p}x{r}'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}x{r}round'] = [encode_pxrround(p,r,x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode',f'{p}x{r}round'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['encode',f'{p}x{q}'] = [encode_pxq(p,q,x) for x in inputs]
precomputedxtype['encode',f'{p}x{q}'] = 'int16_t'
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
inputs += [[freeze(ninvi,3)%256 for ninvi in ninv]+[0]*(p-len(ninv))]
precomputed['core',f'inv3sntrup{p}'] = [core_inv3sntrup(p,x) for x in inputs]
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['core',f'invsntrup{p}'] = [core_invsntrup(p,q,x) for x in inputs]
inputs = [([random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)],[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)]) for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['core',f'mult3sntrup{p}'] = [core_mult3sntrup(p,x,y) for (x,y) in inputs]
inputs = [([random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)],[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)]) for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['core',f'multsntrup{p}'] = [core_multsntrup(p,q,x,y) for (x,y) in inputs]
inputs = [[random.randrange(-32768,32768) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
precomputed['core',f'scale3sntrup{p}'] = [core_scale3sntrup(p,q,x) for x in inputs]
inputs = [[random.randrange(256) for j in range(p)] for loop in range(numtests)]
inputs += [[0]*p]
inputs += [[255]*p]
for weight in w-1,w,w+1:
v = [0]*p
while sum(map(bool,v)) < weight: v[random.randrange(p)] = random.randrange(1,256,254)
inputs += [v]
precomputed['core',f'weightsntrup{p}'] = [core_weightsntrup(p,x) for x in inputs]
precomputed['core',f'wforcesntrup{p}'] = [core_wforcesntrup(p,w,x) for x in inputs]
# ----- generating test program
H = ['''\
#ifndef ntruprime_test_h
#define ntruprime_test_h
#define aligned ntruprime_test_aligned
#define callocplus ntruprime_test_callocplus
#define checksum ntruprime_test_checksum
#define checksum_clear ntruprime_test_checksum_clear
#define checksum_expected ntruprime_test_checksum_expected
#define double_canary ntruprime_test_double_canary
#define endianness ntruprime_test_endianness
#define forked ntruprime_test_forked
#define input_compare ntruprime_test_input_compare
#define input_prepare ntruprime_test_input_prepare
#define myrandom ntruprime_test_myrandom
#define ok ntruprime_test_ok
#define output_compare ntruprime_test_output_compare
#define output_prepare ntruprime_test_output_prepare
#define public ntruprime_test_public
#define secret ntruprime_test_secret
#define targeti ntruprime_test_targeti
#define targetn ntruprime_test_targetn
#define targetoffset ntruprime_test_targetoffset
#define targeto ntruprime_test_targeto
#define targetp ntruprime_test_targetp
#define valgrind ntruprime_test_valgrind
extern const char *targeto;
extern const char *targetp;
extern const char *targeti;
extern const char *targetn;
extern const char *targetoffset;
extern int ok;
extern int valgrind;
extern unsigned long long myrandom(void);
extern void forked(void (*)(long long),long long);
extern void *aligned(void *,long long);
extern void *callocplus(long long);
extern void secret(void *,long long);
extern void public(void *,long long);
extern void double_canary(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,unsigned long long);
extern void input_prepare(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,unsigned long long);
extern void output_prepare(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,unsigned long long);
extern void input_compare(const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *,unsigned long long,const char *);
extern void output_compare(const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *,unsigned long long,const char *);
extern void checksum_expected(const char *);
extern void checksum(const unsigned char *,unsigned long long);
extern void checksum_clear(void);
extern void endianness(unsigned char *,unsigned long long,unsigned long long);
Z = [r'''/* WARNING: auto-generated (by autogen/test); do not edit */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include "crypto_uint8.h"
#include "crypto_uint32.h"
#include "crypto_uint64.h"
#include "crypto_declassify.h"
#include <ntruprime.h> /* -lntruprime */
#include <randombytes.h>
#include "ntruprime_test.h"
const char *targeto = 0;
const char *targetp = 0;
const char *targeti = 0;
const char *targetn = 0;
const char *targetoffset = 0;
int ok = 1;
#define fail ((ok = 0),printf)
/* ----- valgrind support */
int valgrind = 0;
static unsigned char valgrind_undefined_byte = 0;
static char *volatile valgrind_pointer = 0;
static char *valgrind_malloc_1(void)
char *x = malloc(1);
if (!x) abort();
*(char **volatile) &valgrind_pointer = x;
return valgrind_pointer;
static void valgrind_init(void)
char *e = getenv("valgrind_multiplier");
char *x;
if (!e) return;
x = valgrind_malloc_1();
valgrind_undefined_byte = x[0]+1;
valgrind_undefined_byte *= atoi(e);
valgrind_undefined_byte ^= x[0]+1;
valgrind = 1;
void secret(void *xvoid,long long xlen)
unsigned char *x = xvoid;
while (xlen > 0) {
*x ^= valgrind_undefined_byte;
void public(void *x,long long xlen)
/* ----- rng and hash, from supercop/try-anything.c */
typedef crypto_uint8 u8;
typedef crypto_uint32 u32;
typedef crypto_uint64 u64;
#define FOR(i,n) for (i = 0;i < n;++i)
static u32 L32(u32 x,int c) { return (x << c) | ((x&0xffffffff) >> (32 - c)); }
static u32 ld32(const u8 *x)
u32 u = x[3];
u = (u<<8)|x[2];
u = (u<<8)|x[1];
return (u<<8)|x[0];
static void st32(u8 *x,u32 u)
int i;
FOR(i,4) { x[i] = u; u >>= 8; }
static const u8 sigma[17] = "expand 32-byte k";
static void core_salsa(u8 *out,const u8 *in,const u8 *k)
u32 w[16],x[16],y[16],t[4];
int i,j,m;
FOR(i,4) {
x[5*i] = ld32(sigma+4*i);
x[1+i] = ld32(k+4*i);
x[6+i] = ld32(in+4*i);
x[11+i] = ld32(k+16+4*i);
FOR(i,16) y[i] = x[i];
FOR(i,20) {
FOR(j,4) {
FOR(m,4) t[m] = x[(5*j+4*m)%16];
t[1] ^= L32(t[0]+t[3], 7);
t[2] ^= L32(t[1]+t[0], 9);
t[3] ^= L32(t[2]+t[1],13);
t[0] ^= L32(t[3]+t[2],18);
FOR(m,4) w[4*j+(j+m)%4] = t[m];
FOR(m,16) x[m] = w[m];
FOR(i,16) st32(out + 4 * i,x[i] + y[i]);
static void salsa20(u8 *c,u64 b,const u8 *n,const u8 *k)
u8 z[16],x[64];
u32 u,i;
if (!b) return;
FOR(i,16) z[i] = 0;
FOR(i,8) z[i] = n[i];
while (b >= 64) {
FOR(i,64) c[i] = x[i];
u = 1;
for (i = 8;i < 16;++i) {
u += (u32) z[i];
z[i] = u;
u >>= 8;
b -= 64;
c += 64;
if (b) {
FOR(i,b) c[i] = x[i];
static void increment(u8 *n)
if (!++n[0])
if (!++n[1])
if (!++n[2])
if (!++n[3])
if (!++n[4])
if (!++n[5])
if (!++n[6])
if (!++n[7])
static unsigned char testvector_n[8];
static void testvector_clear(void)
memset(testvector_n,0,sizeof testvector_n);
static void testvector(unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
const static unsigned char testvector_k[33] = "generate inputs for test vectors";
unsigned long long myrandom(void)
unsigned char x[8];
unsigned long long result;
result = x[7];
result = (result<<8)|x[6];
result = (result<<8)|x[5];
result = (result<<8)|x[4];
result = (result<<8)|x[3];
result = (result<<8)|x[2];
result = (result<<8)|x[1];
result = (result<<8)|x[0];
return result;
static unsigned char canary_n[8];
static void canary(unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
const static unsigned char canary_k[33] = "generate pad to catch overwrites";
void double_canary(unsigned char *x2,unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
if (valgrind) return;
canary(x - 16,16);
canary(x + xlen,16);
memcpy(x2 - 16,x - 16,16);
memcpy(x2 + xlen,x + xlen,16);
void input_prepare(unsigned char *x2,unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
if (valgrind) {
canary(x - 16,16);
canary(x + xlen,16);
memcpy(x2 - 16,x - 16,xlen + 32);
void input_compare(const unsigned char *x2,const unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen,const char *fun)
if (valgrind) return;
if (memcmp(x2 - 16,x - 16,xlen + 32)) {
fail("failure: %s overwrites input\n",fun);
void output_prepare(unsigned char *x2,unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
if (valgrind) {
canary(x - 16,xlen + 32);
memcpy(x2 - 16,x - 16,xlen + 32);
void output_compare(const unsigned char *x2,const unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen,const char *fun)
if (valgrind) return;
if (memcmp(x2 - 16,x - 16,16)) {
fail("failure: %s writes before output\n",fun);
if (memcmp(x2 + xlen,x + xlen,16)) {
fail("failure: %s writes after output\n",fun);
/* ----- knownrandombytes */
static const int knownrandombytes_is_only_for_testing_not_for_cryptographic_use = 1;
#define knownrandombytes randombytes
#define QUARTERROUND(a,b,c,d) \
a += b; d = L32(d^a,16); \
c += d; b = L32(b^c,12); \
a += b; d = L32(d^a, 8); \
c += d; b = L32(b^c, 7);
static void core_chacha(u8 *out,const u8 *in,const u8 *k)
u32 x[16],y[16];
int i,j;
FOR(i,4) {
x[i] = ld32(sigma+4*i);
x[12+i] = ld32(in+4*i);
FOR(i,8) x[4+i] = ld32(k+4*i);
FOR(i,16) y[i] = x[i];
FOR(i,10) {
FOR(j,4) { QUARTERROUND(x[j],x[j+4],x[j+8],x[j+12]) }
FOR(j,4) { QUARTERROUND(x[j],x[((j+1)&3)+4],x[((j+2)&3)+8],x[((j+3)&3)+12]) }
FOR(i,16) st32(out+4*i,x[i]+y[i]);
static void chacha20(u8 *c,u64 b,const u8 *n,const u8 *k)
u8 z[16],x[64];
u32 u,i;
if (!b) return;
FOR(i,16) z[i] = 0;
FOR(i,8) z[i+8] = n[i];
while (b >= 64) {
FOR(i,64) c[i] = x[i];
u = 1;
FOR(i,8) {
u += (u32) z[i];
z[i] = u;
u >>= 8;
b -= 64;
c += 64;
if (b) {
FOR(i,b) c[i] = x[i];
#define crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES 736
static int crypto_rng(
unsigned char *r, /* random output */
unsigned char *n, /* new key */
const unsigned char *g /* old key */
static const unsigned char nonce[8] = {0};
unsigned char x[32+crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES];
chacha20(x,sizeof x,nonce,g);
return 0;
static unsigned char knownrandombytes_g[32];
static unsigned char knownrandombytes_r[crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES];
static unsigned long long knownrandombytes_pos = crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES;
static void knownrandombytes_clear(void)
memset(knownrandombytes_g,0,sizeof knownrandombytes_g);
memset(knownrandombytes_r,0,sizeof knownrandombytes_r);
knownrandombytes_pos = crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES;
void knownrandombytes_main(void *xvoid,long long xlen)
unsigned char *x = xvoid;
while (xlen > 0) {
if (knownrandombytes_pos == crypto_rng_OUTPUTBYTES) {
knownrandombytes_pos = 0;
*x++ = knownrandombytes_r[knownrandombytes_pos];
xlen -= 1;
knownrandombytes_r[knownrandombytes_pos++] = 0;
void knownrandombytes(void *xvoid,long long xlen)
/* ----- checksums */
static unsigned char checksum_state[64];
static char checksum_hex[65];
void checksum_expected(const char *expected)
long long i;
for (i = 0;i < 32;++i) {
checksum_hex[2 * i] = "0123456789abcdef"[15 & (checksum_state[i] >> 4)];
checksum_hex[2 * i + 1] = "0123456789abcdef"[15 & checksum_state[i]];
checksum_hex[2 * i] = 0;
if (strcmp(checksum_hex,expected))
fail("failure: checksum mismatch: %s expected %s\n",checksum_hex,expected);
void checksum_clear(void)
memset(checksum_state,0,sizeof checksum_state);
/* not necessary to clear canary */
void checksum(const unsigned char *x,unsigned long long xlen)
u8 block[16];
int i;
while (xlen >= 16) {
x += 16;
xlen -= 16;
FOR(i,16) block[i] = 0;
FOR(i,xlen) block[i] = x[i];
block[xlen] = 1;
checksum_state[0] ^= 1;
#include "limits.inc"
void *callocplus(long long len)
if (valgrind) {
unsigned char *x = malloc(len);
if (!x) abort();
return x;
} else {
unsigned char *x = calloc(1,len + 256);
long long i;
if (!x) abort();
for (i = 0;i < len + 256;++i) x[i] = random();
return x;
void *aligned(void *x,long long len)
if (valgrind)
return x;
else {
long long i;
unsigned char *y = x;
y += 64;
y += 63 & (-(unsigned long) y);
for (i = 0;i < len;++i) y[i] = 0;
return y;
/* ----- catching SIGILL, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, etc. */
void forked(void (*test)(long long),long long impl)
if (valgrind) {
pid_t child = fork();
int childstatus = -1;
if (child == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"fatal: fork failed: %s",strerror(errno));
if (child == 0) {
ok = 1;
if (!ok) exit(100);
if (waitpid(child,&childstatus,0) != child) {
fprintf(stderr,"fatal: wait failed: %s",strerror(errno));
if (childstatus)
fail("failure: process failed, status %d\n",childstatus);
/* ----- endianness */
/* on big-endian machines, flip into little-endian */
/* other types of endianness are not supported */
void endianness(unsigned char *e,unsigned long long words,unsigned long long bytesperword)
long long i = 1;
if (1 == *(unsigned char *) &i) return;
while (words > 0) {
for (i = 0;2 * i < bytesperword;++i) {
long long j = bytesperword - 1 - i;
unsigned char ei = e[i];
e[i] = e[j];
e[j] = ei;
e += bytesperword;
words -= 1;
# ==========
checksums = {}
operations = []
primitives = {}
sizes = {}
exports = {}
prototypes = {}
nooverlap = set()
with open('api') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('crypto_'):
line = line.split()
x = line[0].split('/')
assert len(x) == 2
o = x[0].split('_')[1]
if o not in operations: operations += [o]
p = x[1]
if o not in primitives: primitives[o] = []
primitives[o] += [p]
if len(line) >= 3:
checksums[o,p] = line[1],line[2]
for option in line[3:]:
if option == 'nooverlap':
if line.startswith('#define '):
x = line.split(' ')
x = x[1].split('_')
assert len(x) == 4
assert x[0] == 'crypto'
o = x[1]
p = x[2]
if (o,p) not in sizes: sizes[o,p] = ''
sizes[o,p] += line+'\n'
if line.endswith(');'):
fun,args = line[:-2].split('(')
rettype,fun = fun.split()
fun = fun.split('_')
o = fun[1]
assert fun[0] == 'crypto'
if o not in exports: exports[o] = []
exports[o] += ['_'.join(fun[1:])]
if o not in prototypes: prototypes[o] = []
prototypes[o] += [(rettype,fun,args)]
# ========== verify
Z += [r'''
/* ----- verify, derived from supercop/crypto_verify/try.c */
for p in primitives['verify']:
Z += [r'''
static int (*crypto_verify_BYTES)(const unsigned char *,const unsigned char *);
static unsigned char *test_verify_BYTES_x;
static unsigned char *test_verify_BYTES_y;
static void test_verify_BYTES_check(void)
unsigned char *x = test_verify_BYTES_x;
unsigned char *y = test_verify_BYTES_y;
int r;
r = crypto_verify_BYTES(x,y);
public(&r,sizeof r);
if (r == 0) {
if (memcmp(x,y,BYTES))
fail("failure: different strings pass verify\n");
} else if (r == -1) {
if (!memcmp(x,y,BYTES))
fail("failure: equal strings fail verify\n");
} else {
fail("failure: weird return value\n");
void test_verify_BYTES_impl(long long impl)
unsigned char *x = test_verify_BYTES_x;
unsigned char *y = test_verify_BYTES_y;
if (targeti && strcmp(targeti,".") && strcmp(targeti,ntruprime_dispatch_verify_BYTES_implementation(impl))) return;
if (targetn && atol(targetn) != impl) return;
if (impl >= 0) {
crypto_verify_BYTES = ntruprime_dispatch_verify_BYTES(impl);
printf("verify_BYTES %lld implementation %s compiler %s\n",impl,ntruprime_dispatch_verify_BYTES_implementation(impl),ntruprime_dispatch_verify_BYTES_compiler(impl));
} else {
crypto_verify_BYTES = ntruprime_verify_BYTES;
printf("verify_BYTES selected implementation %s compiler %s\n",ntruprime_verify_BYTES_implementation(),ntruprime_verify_BYTES_compiler());
y[myrandom() % BYTES] = myrandom();
y[myrandom() % BYTES] = myrandom();
y[myrandom() % BYTES] = myrandom();
static void test_verify_BYTES(void)
if (targeto && strcmp(targeto,"verify")) return;
if (targetp && strcmp(targetp,"BYTES")) return;
test_verify_BYTES_x = callocplus(BYTES);
test_verify_BYTES_y = callocplus(BYTES);
for (long long offset = 0;offset < 2;++offset) {
if (targetoffset && atol(targetoffset) != offset) continue;
if (offset && valgrind) break;
printf("verify_BYTES offset %lld\n",offset);
for (long long impl = -1;impl < ntruprime_numimpl_verify_BYTES();++impl)
# ==========
todo = (
for t in todo:
o,vars,howmuch,tests = t
for p in primitives[o]:
X = []
X += [f'/* ----- {o}/{p}, derived from supercop/crypto_{o}/try.c */\n']
X += ['\n']
X += ['#include <stdio.h>\n']
X += ['#include <stdlib.h>\n']
X += ['#include <string.h>\n']
X += ['#include <stdint.h>\n']
X += ['#include <ntruprime.h>\n']
X += ['#include "ntruprime_test.h"\n']
X += ['\n']
X += ['#define fail ((ok = 0),printf)\n']
X += ['static const char *%s_%s_checksums[] = {\n' % (o,p)]
X += [' "%s",\n' % checksums[o,p][0]]
X += [' "%s",\n' % checksums[o,p][1]]
X += ['} ;\n']
X += ['\n']
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
X += ['static %s (*%s)(%s);\n' % (rettype,'_'.join(fun),args)]
if (o,p) in sizes:
for line in sizes[o,p].splitlines():
psize = line.split()[1]
size1 = psize.replace('crypto_%s_%s_'%(o,p),'crypto_%s_'%o)
size2 = psize.replace('crypto_','ntruprime_')
X += ['#define %s %s\n' % (size1,size2)]
X += ['\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += ['static void *storage_%s_%s_%s;\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += ['static unsigned char *test_%s_%s_%s;\n' % (o,p,v)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += ['static void *storage_%s_%s_%s2;\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += ['static unsigned char *test_%s_%s_%s2;\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += ['\n']
if (o,p) in precomputed:
xtype = precomputedxtype.get((o,p),'unsigned char')
X += ['#define precomputed_%s_%s_NUM %d\n' % (o,p,len(precomputed[o,p]))]
X += ['\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
vtype = 'unsigned char'
if v == 'x':
vtype = xtype
allocsize = allocsize.split('*')
assert allocsize[1] == f'crypto_{o}_ITEMBYTES'
allocsize = allocsize[0]
X += ['static const %s precomputed_%s_%s_%s[precomputed_%s_%s_NUM][%s] = {\n' % (vtype,o,p,v,o,p,allocsize)]
for precomp in precomputed[o,p]:
X += [' {%s},\n' % ','.join(str(c) for c in precomp[v])]
X += ['} ;\n']
X += ['\n']
X += ['static void test_%s_%s_impl(long long impl)\n' % (o,p)]
X += ['{\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' unsigned char *%s = test_%s_%s_%s;\n' % (v,o,p,v)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' unsigned char *%s2 = test_%s_%s_%s2;\n' % (v,o,p,v)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
if initsize is None:
X += [' long long %slen;\n' % v]
if v == 'x':
X += [' long long xwords;\n']
if v == 'x':
X += [' long long xwords = %s;\n' % (initsize)]
X += [' long long xlen;\n']
X += [' long long %slen = %s;\n' % (v,initsize)]
X += ['\n']
X += [' if (targeti && strcmp(targeti,".") && strcmp(targeti,ntruprime_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation(impl))) return;\n' % (o,p)]
X += [' if (targetn && atol(targetn) != impl) return;\n'] # XXX: atoll is slightly unportable
X += [' if (impl >= 0) {\n']
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
f2 = ['ntruprime','dispatch',o,p]+fun[2:]
X += [' %s = %s(impl);\n' % ('_'.join(fun),'_'.join(f2))]
X += [' printf("%s_%s %%lld implementation %%s compiler %%s\\n",impl,ntruprime_dispatch_%s_%s_implementation(impl),ntruprime_dispatch_%s_%s_compiler(impl));\n' % (o,p,o,p,o,p)]
X += [' } else {\n']
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
f2 = ['ntruprime',o,p]+fun[2:]
X += [' %s = %s;\n' % ('_'.join(fun),'_'.join(f2))]
X += [' printf("%s_%s selected implementation %%s compiler %%s\\n",ntruprime_%s_%s_implementation(),ntruprime_%s_%s_compiler());\n' % (o,p,o,p,o,p)]
X += [' }\n']
X += [' for (long long checksumbig = 0;checksumbig < 2;++checksumbig) {\n']
maxtestdefined = False
for v,small,big in howmuch:
X += [' long long %s = checksumbig ? %s : %s;\n' % (v,big,small)]
if v == 'maxtest': maxtestdefined = True
X += ['\n']
X += [' checksum_clear();\n']
X += ['\n']
X += [' for (long long loop = 0;loop < loops;++loop) {\n']
wantresult = False
for f,output,inout,input in tests:
cof = 'crypto_'+o+f
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
if cof == '_'.join(fun):
if rettype != 'void':
wantresult = True
if wantresult:
X += [' int result;\n']
itembytes = f'crypto_{o}_BYTES' if o == 'sort' else f'crypto_{o}_ITEMBYTES'
if maxtestdefined and any('mlen' in input for f,output,inout,input in tests):
X += [' mlen = myrandom() % (maxtest + 1);\n']
if maxtestdefined and any('hlen' in input for f,output,inout,input in tests):
X += [' hlen = myrandom() % (maxtest + 1);\n']
if maxtestdefined and any('xwords' in input for f,output,inout,input in tests):
X += [' xwords = myrandom() % (maxtest + 1);\n']
if any('x' in output+inout+input for f,output,inout,input in tests):
X += [f' xlen = xwords*{itembytes};\n']
X += ['\n']
initialized = set()
for f,output,inout,input in tests:
cof = 'crypto_'+o+f
cofrettype = None
for rettype,fun,args in prototypes[o]:
if cof == '_'.join(fun):
cofrettype = rettype
expected = '0'
unexpected = 'nonzero'
if cof == 'crypto_hashblocks':
expected = 'mlen % crypto_hashblocks_BLOCKBYTES'
unexpected = 'unexpected value'
for v in output:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' output_prepare(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
# v now has CDE where C is canary, D is canary, E is canary
# v2 now has same CDE
# D is at start of v with specified length
# C is 16 bytes before beginning
# E is 16 bytes past end
for v in input+inout:
if len(v) == 1:
if v in initialized:
X += [' memcpy(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
X += [' double_canary(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
X += [' input_prepare(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
# v now has CTE where C is canary, T is test data, E is canary
# v2 has same CTE
if 'x' in v:
X += [f' endianness(x,xwords,{itembytes});\n']
for v in input+inout:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' secret(%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
args = ','.join(output+inout+input)
if cofrettype == 'void':
X += [' %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' result = %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' public(&result,sizeof result);\n']
X += [' if (result != %s) fail("failure: %s returns %s\\n");\n' % (expected,cof,unexpected)]
for v in input+inout+output:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' public(%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
if 'x' in v:
X += [f' endianness(x,xwords,{itembytes});\n']
if cof == 'crypto_kem_dec':
X += [' if (memcmp(t,k,klen) != 0) fail("failure: %s does not match k\\n");\n' % cof]
for v in output+inout:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' checksum(%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
# output v,v2 now has COE,CDE where O is output; checksum O
for v in output+inout:
if len(v) == 1:
if cof == 'crypto_sign_open' and v == 't':
X += [' output_compare(%s2,%s,%slen,"%s");\n' % (v,v,'c',cof)]
X += [' output_compare(%s2,%s,%slen,"%s");\n' % (v,v,v,cof)]
# output_compare checks COE,CDE for equal C, equal E
for v in input:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' input_compare(%s2,%s,%slen,"%s");\n' % (v,v,v,cof)]
# input_compare checks CTE,CTE for equal C, equal T, equal E
deterministic = True
if inout+input == (): deterministic = False
if cof == 'crypto_kem_enc': deterministic = False
if deterministic:
X += ['\n']
for v in output+inout+input:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' double_canary(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
# old output v,v2: COE,CDE; new v,v2: FOG,FDG where F,G are new canaries
# old inout v,v2: COE,CTE; new v,v2: FOG,FTG
# old input v,v2: CTE,CTE; new v,v2: FTG,FTG
if 'x' in v:
X += [f' endianness(x2,xwords,{itembytes});\n']
for v in input+inout:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' secret(%s2,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
args = ','.join([v if v.endswith('words') or v.endswith('len') else v+'2' for v in output+inout+input])
if cofrettype == 'void':
X += [' %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' result = %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' public(&result,sizeof result);\n']
X += [' if (result != %s) fail("failure: %s returns %s\\n");\n' % (expected,cof,unexpected)]
for v in input+inout+output:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' public(%s2,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
if 'x' in v:
X += [f' endianness(x2,xwords,{itembytes});\n']
for w in output + inout:
if len(w) == 1:
# w,w2: COE,COE; goal now is to compare O
X += [' if (memcmp(%s2,%s,%slen) != 0) fail("failure: %s is nondeterministic\\n");\n' % (w,w,w,cof)]
overlap = deterministic
if inout != (): overlap = False
if (o,p) in nooverlap: overlap = False
# XXX: overlap test assumes that inputs are at least as big as outputs
if overlap:
for y in output:
if len(y) == 1:
X += ['\n']
for v in output:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' double_canary(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
for v in input:
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' double_canary(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v,v)]
for x in input:
if len(x) == 1:
# try writing to x2 instead of y, while reading x2
args = ','.join([x+'2' if v==y else v for v in output] + [x+'2' if v==x else v for v in input])
for v in input+inout:
v2 = x+'2' if v==x else v
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' secret(%s,%slen);\n' % (v2,v)]
if cofrettype == 'void':
X += [' %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' result = %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
X += [' public(&result,sizeof result);\n']
X += [' if (result != %s) fail("failure: %s with %s=%s overlap returns %s\\n");\n' % (expected,cof,x,y,unexpected)]
for v in output:
v2 = x+'2' if v==y else v
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' public(%s,%slen);\n' % (v2,v)]
for v in input:
if v == x: continue
if len(v) == 1:
X += [' public(%s,%slen);\n' % (v,v)]
X += [' if (memcmp(%s2,%s,%slen) != 0) fail("failure: %s does not handle %s=%s overlap\\n");\n' % (x,y,y,cof,x,y)]
X += [' memcpy(%s2,%s,%slen);\n' % (x,x,x)]
if cof == 'crypto_kem_dec':
X += ['\n']
for tweaks in range(3):
X += [' c[myrandom() % clen] += 1 + (myrandom() % 255);\n']
X += [' if (%s(t,c,s) == 0)\n' % cof]
X += [' checksum(t,tlen);\n']
X += [' else\n']
X += [' checksum(c,clen);\n']
X += [' }\n']
if cof == 'crypto_core' and p.startswith('wforce'):
X += [' {\n']
X += [' long long weight,i,direction;\n']
X += [' for (weight = 0;weight <= nlen;++weight) {\n']
X += [' for (direction = 0;direction < 2;++direction) {\n']
X += [' output_prepare(h2,h,hlen);\n']
X += [' input_prepare(n2,n,nlen);\n']
X += [' input_prepare(k2,k,klen);\n']
X += [' input_prepare(c2,c,clen);\n']
X += [' for (i = 0;i < nlen;++i) {\n']
X += [' n[i] &= ~1;\n']
X += [' if (direction) {\n']
X += [' if (nlen-1-i < weight) n[i] += 1;\n']
X += [' } else {\n']
X += [' if (i < weight) n[i] += 1;\n']
X += [' }\n']
X += [' n2[i] = n[i];\n']
X += [' }\n']
X += [' crypto_core(h,n,k,c);\n']
X += [' checksum(h,hlen);\n']
X += [' output_compare(h2,h,hlen,"crypto_core");\n']
X += [' input_compare(n2,n,nlen,"crypto_core");\n']
X += [' input_compare(k2,k,klen,"crypto_core");\n']
X += [' input_compare(c2,c,clen,"crypto_core");\n']
X += [' double_canary(h2,h,hlen);\n']
X += [' double_canary(n2,n,nlen);\n']
X += [' double_canary(k2,k,klen);\n']
X += [' double_canary(c2,c,clen);\n']
X += [' crypto_core(h2,n2,k2,c2);\n']
X += [' if (memcmp(h2,h,hlen) != 0) fail("failure: crypto_core is nondeterministic");\n']
X += [' }\n']
X += [' }\n']
X += [' }\n']
X += [' checksum_expected(%s_%s_checksums[checksumbig]);\n' % (o,p)]
X += [' }\n']
# ----- test vectors computed by python
for f,output,inout,input in tests:
cof = 'crypto_'+o+f
if (o,p) in precomputed:
X += [' for (long long precomp = 0;precomp < precomputed_%s_%s_NUM;++precomp) {\n' % (o,p)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
if v in output:
X += [' output_prepare(%s2,%s,%s);\n' % (v,v,allocsize)]
if v in input+inout:
X += [' input_prepare(%s2,%s,%s);\n' % (v,v,allocsize)]
X += [' memcpy(%s,precomputed_%s_%s_%s[precomp],%s);\n' % (v,o,p,v,allocsize)]
X += [' memcpy(%s2,precomputed_%s_%s_%s[precomp],%s);\n' % (v,o,p,v,allocsize)]
args = ','.join(output+inout+input)
X += [' %s(%s);\n' % (cof,args)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
if v in output+inout:
X += [' if (memcmp(%s,precomputed_%s_%s_%s[precomp],%s)) {\n' % (v,o,p,v,allocsize)]
X += [' fail("failure: %s fails precomputed test vectors\\n");\n' % cof]
X += [' printf("expected %s: ");\n' % v]
X += [' for (long long pos = 0;pos < %s;++pos) printf("%%02x",((unsigned char *) precomputed_%s_%s_%s[precomp])[pos]);\n' % (allocsize,o,p,v)]
X += [' printf("\\n");\n']
X += [' printf("received %s: ");\n' % v]
X += [' for (long long pos = 0;pos < %s;++pos) printf("%%02x",%s[pos]);\n' % (allocsize,v)]
X += [' printf("\\n");\n']
X += [' }\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
if v in output+inout:
X += [' output_compare(%s2,%s,%s,"%s");\n' % (v,v,allocsize,cof)]
if v in input:
X += [' input_compare(%s2,%s,%s,"%s");\n' % (v,v,allocsize,cof)]
X += [' }\n']
X += ['}\n']
X += ['\n']
X += ['void test_%s_%s(void)\n' % (o,p)]
X += ['{\n']
X += [' long long maxalloc = 0;\n']
X += [' if (targeto && strcmp(targeto,"%s")) return;\n' % o]
X += [' if (targetp && strcmp(targetp,"%s")) return;\n' % p]
if cof == 'crypto_sort':
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' storage_%s_%s_%s = callocplus(ntruprime_sort_%s_BYTES*%s);\n' % (o,p,v,p,allocsize)]
X += [' test_%s_%s_%s = aligned(storage_%s_%s_%s,ntruprime_sort_%s_BYTES*%s);\n' % (o,p,v,o,p,v,p,allocsize)]
X += [f' if (ntruprime_sort_{p}_BYTES*{allocsize} > maxalloc) maxalloc = ntruprime_sort_{p}_BYTES*{allocsize};\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' storage_%s_%s_%s2 = callocplus(maxalloc);\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += [' test_%s_%s_%s2 = aligned(storage_%s_%s_%s2,ntruprime_sort_%s_BYTES*%s);\n' % (o,p,v,o,p,v,p,allocsize)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' storage_%s_%s_%s = callocplus(%s);\n' % (o,p,v,allocsize)]
X += [' test_%s_%s_%s = aligned(storage_%s_%s_%s,%s);\n' % (o,p,v,o,p,v,allocsize)]
X += [f' if ({allocsize} > maxalloc) maxalloc = {allocsize};\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' storage_%s_%s_%s2 = callocplus(maxalloc);\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += [' test_%s_%s_%s2 = aligned(storage_%s_%s_%s2,%s);\n' % (o,p,v,o,p,v,allocsize)]
X += ['\n']
if o in ('encode','decode','sort'): # requires alignment
X += [' for (long long offset = 0;offset < 1;++offset) {\n']
X += [' for (long long offset = 0;offset < 2;++offset) {\n']
X += [' if (targetoffset && atol(targetoffset) != offset) continue;\n']
X += [' if (offset && valgrind) break;\n']
X += [' printf("%s_%s offset %%lld\\n",offset);\n' % (o,p)]
X += [' for (long long impl = -1;impl < ntruprime_numimpl_%s_%s();++impl)\n' % (o,p)]
X += [' forked(test_%s_%s_impl,impl);\n' % (o,p)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' ++test_%s_%s_%s;\n' % (o,p,v)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in vars:
X += [' ++test_%s_%s_%s2;\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += [' }\n']
for v,initsize,allocsize in reversed(vars):
X += [' free(storage_%s_%s_%s2);\n' % (o,p,v)]
for v,initsize,allocsize in reversed(vars):
X += [' free(storage_%s_%s_%s);\n' % (o,p,v)]
X += ['}\n']
if (o,p) in sizes:
for line in sizes[o,p].splitlines():
psize = line.split()[1]
size1 = psize.replace('crypto_%s_%s_'%(o,p),'crypto_%s_'%o)
X += ['#undef %s\n' % size1]
X += ['\n']
Z += [r'''/* ----- top level */
#include "print_cpuid.inc"
int main(int argc,char **argv)
if (valgrind) limits();
printf("ntruprime version %s\n",ntruprime_version);
printf("ntruprime arch %s\n",ntruprime_arch);
if (valgrind) {
printf("valgrind %d",(int) valgrind);
printf(" declassify %d",(int) crypto_declassify_uses_valgrind);
if (!crypto_declassify_uses_valgrind)
printf(" (expect false positives)");
if (*argv) ++argv;
if (*argv) {
targeto = *argv++;
if (*argv) {
targetp = *argv++;
if (*argv) {
targeti = *argv++;
if (*argv) {
targetn = *argv++;
if (*argv) {
targetoffset = *argv++;
for p in primitives['verify']:
Z += ' test_verify_BYTES();\n'.replace('BYTES',p)
for t in todo:
o,vars,howmuch,tests = t
for p in primitives[o]:
Z += ' test_%s_%s();\n' % (o,p)
H += [f'#define test_{o}_{p} ntruprime_test_{o}{p}\n']
H += [f'extern void test_{o}_{p}(void);\n']
Z += [r'''
if (!ok) {
printf("some tests failed\n");
return 100;
printf("all tests succeeded\n");
return 0;
H += ['#endif\n']