-rwxr-xr-x 2679 libntruprime-20240910/cryptoint/create.py raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
vars = 'k','l','p','q','r','s','x','y','z'
with open('version') as f:
version = f.read().strip()
# ===== top
csh = f'''/* auto-generated: cd cryptoint; ./autogen */
/* {version} */
#ifndef crypto_intN_h
#define crypto_intN_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#define crypto_intN intN_t
#define crypto_intN_unsigned uintN_t
#define crypto_intN_optblocker namespace_intN_optblocker
extern volatile crypto_intN crypto_intN_optblocker;
cuh = f'''/* auto-generated: cd cryptoint; ./autogen */
/* {version} */
#ifndef crypto_uintN_h
#define crypto_uintN_h
#include <inttypes.h>
#define crypto_uintN uintN_t
#define crypto_uintN_signed intN_t
#define crypto_uintN_signed_optblocker namespace_uintN_signed_optblocker
extern volatile crypto_uintN_signed crypto_uintN_signed_optblocker;
# ===== functions
functions = []
with open('functions') as f:
which,fun = 'both',None
for line in f:
if fun is None:
if line.startswith('#'): continue
if line.strip() == '': continue
if line.strip() == 'SIGNED:':
which = 'signed'
if line.strip() == 'UNSIGNED:':
which = 'unsigned'
fun = ''
fun += line
if line.strip() == '}':
functions += [(which,fun)]
which,fun = 'both',None
for which,fun in functions:
if which in ('both','signed'):
data = fun
data = data.replace('TYPE','crypto_intN')
data = data.replace('UNSIGNED','crypto_intN_unsigned')
data = data.replace('SIGNED','crypto_intN')
for v in vars:
data = data.replace(v.upper(),'crypto_intN_'+v)
csh += '__attribute__((unused))\n'
csh += 'static inline\n'
csh += data
csh += '\n'
if which in ('both','unsigned'):
data = fun
data = data.replace('TYPE','crypto_uintN')
data = data.replace('UNSIGNED','crypto_uintN')
data = data.replace('SIGNED','crypto_uintN_signed')
for v in vars:
data = data.replace(v.upper(),'crypto_uintN_'+v)
cuh += '__attribute__((unused))\n'
cuh += 'static inline\n'
cuh += data
cuh += '\n'
# ===== bottom
csh += '''#endif
cuh += '''#endif
# ===== ship it
with open('crypto_intN.h','w') as f:
with open('crypto_uintN.h','w') as f:
with open('intN_optblocker.c','w') as f:
f.write(f'''/* auto-generated: cd cryptoint; ./autogen */
/* {version} */
#include "crypto_intN.h"
volatile crypto_intN crypto_intN_optblocker = 0;
with open('uintN_optblocker.c','w') as f:
f.write(f'''/* auto-generated: cd cryptoint; ./autogen */
/* {version} */
#include "crypto_uintN.h"
volatile crypto_uintN_signed crypto_uintN_signed_optblocker = 0;