-rwxr-xr-x 2622 libntruprime-20241021/cryptoint/specialize.py raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import readasm
with open('../project/namespace') as f:
projectnamespace = f.readline().strip()
with open('crypto_intN.h') as f:
intN = f.read()
with open('crypto_uintN.h') as f:
uintN = f.read()
for bits in 8,16,32,64:
for ui in 'int','uint':
TYPE = f'crypto_{ui}{bits}'
with open(f'{TYPE}.h','w') as f:
contents = intN if ui == 'int' else uintN
contents = contents.replace('N',str(bits))
contents = contents.replace('namespace',projectnamespace)
contents = readasm.substitute(contents)
contents = contents.replace('amd64','defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)')
contents = contents.replace('arm64','defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__aarch64__)')
newcontents = ''
for line in contents.splitlines():
if ':' in line:
condbits = line.split(':')[0].strip()
if condbits.isnumeric():
if int(condbits) != bits:
line = ':'.join(line.split(':')[1:])
newcontents += line+'\n'
contents = newcontents
tounroll = f' int {TYPE}_k;\n for ({TYPE}_k = 0;{TYPE}_k < {bits};{TYPE}_k += 8)\n {TYPE}_z |= (({TYPE}) (*{TYPE}_s++)) << {TYPE}_k;'
unrolled = '\n'.join(f' {TYPE}_z |= (({TYPE}) (*{TYPE}_s++)) << {k};' for k in range(0,bits,8))
contents = contents.replace(tounroll,unrolled)
tounroll = f' int {TYPE}_k;\n for ({TYPE}_k = {bits} - 8;{TYPE}_k >= 0;{TYPE}_k -= 8)\n {TYPE}_z |= (({TYPE}) (*{TYPE}_s++)) << {TYPE}_k;'
unrolled = '\n'.join(f' {TYPE}_z |= (({TYPE}) (*{TYPE}_s++)) << {k};' for k in reversed(range(0,bits,8)))
contents = contents.replace(tounroll,unrolled)
tounroll = f' int {TYPE}_k;\n for ({TYPE}_k = 0;{TYPE}_k < {bits};{TYPE}_k += 8)\n *{TYPE}_s++ = {TYPE}_x >> {TYPE}_k;'
unrolled = '\n'.join(f' *{TYPE}_s++ = {TYPE}_x >> {k};' for k in range(0,bits,8))
contents = contents.replace(tounroll,unrolled)
tounroll = f' int {TYPE}_k;\n for ({TYPE}_k = {bits} - 8;{TYPE}_k >= 0;{TYPE}_k -= 8)\n *{TYPE}_s++ = {TYPE}_x >> {TYPE}_k;'
unrolled = '\n'.join(f' *{TYPE}_s++ = {TYPE}_x >> {k};' for k in reversed(range(0,bits,8)))
contents = contents.replace(tounroll,unrolled)
for intc in sorted(os.listdir('.')):
if not intc.endswith('.c'): continue
if not (intc.startswith('int') or intc.startswith('uint')): continue
targetintc = intc.replace('N',str(bits))
with open(intc) as f:
contents = f.read()
with open(targetintc,'w') as f: