-rwxr-xr-x 3588 libntruprime-20241021/scripts-build/checknamespace raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import subprocess
topnamespace = sys.argv[1]
def warn(w):
sys.stderr.write('[31;1mwarning: %s[0m\n' % w)
fwarn.write('%s\n' % w)
done = set()
def doit(d):
if d in done: return
if os.path.exists(d+'/dependencies'):
with open(d+'/dependencies') as f:
for line in f:
objs = [d+'/'+fn for fn in os.listdir(d) if fn.endswith('.o')]
if len(objs) == 0: return
if len(objs) == 1: obj = objs[0]
namespace = topnamespace
dsplit = d.split('/')
if len(dsplit) >= 4:
for dpart in dsplit:
namespace += '_'+dpart.replace('-','').replace('_','')
obj2D = {}
obj2U = {}
p = subprocess.Popen(['nm','-ApP']+objs,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,universal_newlines=True)
out,err = p.communicate()
except Exception as e:
warn('nm failure: %s' % e)
if err:
warn('nm error: %s' % err)
if p.returncode:
warn('nm failure: %s' % p.returncode)
for line in out.splitlines():
line = line.split()
if len(line) < 3: continue
if not line[0].endswith(':'): continue
if line[2].startswith('b'): continue
if line[2].startswith('d'): continue
if line[2].startswith('r'): continue
if line[2].startswith('s'): continue
if line[2].startswith('t'): continue
obj = line[0][:-1]
if obj not in obj2U:
obj2U[obj] = []
obj2D[obj] = []
symbol = line[1]
if symbol.startswith('__odr_asan.'): symbol = symbol[11:]
if symbol.startswith('__x86.get_pc_thunk.'): continue
if symbol.startswith('__sparc.get_pc_thunk.'): continue
if symbol.startswith(f'_{topnamespace}_'): symbol = symbol[1:]
ssplit = symbol.split('_')
if len(ssplit) >= 6 and ssplit[0] == topnamespace:
ssplit = '_'.join(ssplit[5:])
if line[2].startswith('U'): obj2U[obj] += [ssplit]
if line[2].startswith('D'): obj2D[obj] += [ssplit]
if line[2].startswith('R'): obj2D[obj] += [ssplit]
if line[2].startswith('S'): obj2D[obj] += [ssplit]
if line[2].startswith('T'): obj2D[obj] += [ssplit]
if line[2].startswith('U'): continue
if symbol == namespace: continue
if symbol.startswith(namespace+'_'): continue
warn('%s: symbol %s outside namespace' % (obj,symbol))
for fn in os.listdir(d):
if fn.endswith('.c') or fn.endswith('.S'):
obj = d+'/'+fn[:-2]+'.o'
if obj not in obj2U: continue
fnD = []
fnU = []
with open(d+'/'+fn) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split()
if line[:3] == ['//','linker','define']:
for x in line[3:]:
fnD += [x]
if line[:3] == ['//','linker','use']:
for x in line[3:]:
fnU += [x]
if len(fnD) == 0 and len(fnU) == 0: continue
fnD = set(fnD)
fnU = set(fnU)
objD = set(obj2D[obj])
objU = set(obj2U[obj])
for s in sorted(fnD):
if s not in objD:
warn('%s: linker define %s in %s but not in object file' % (d,s,fn))
for s in sorted(fnU):
if s not in objU:
warn('%s: linker use %s in %s but not in object file' % (d,s,fn))
for s in sorted(objD):
if s not in fnD:
warn('%s: linker define %s not in %s but in object file' % (d,s,fn))
for s in sorted(objU):
if s not in fnU:
warn('%s: linker use %s not in %s but in object file' % (d,s,fn))
for d in sys.argv[2:]:
d = d.strip()
with open('%s/result-namespace'%d,'w') as fwarn: