libntruprime: Speed

In the following speed table, smaller keygen/enc/dec numbers are better. The numbers are interquartile means of single-core cycle counts on various microarchitectures. Overclocking is disabled.

μarch KEM keypair enc dec
Golden Cove (2021) sntrup653 569998 31437 44933
sntrup761 743752 35130 47191
sntrup857 938327 42316 61681
sntrup953 1134045 45276 63881
sntrup1013 1260294 45882 65517
sntrup1277 1945365 58064 81528
Zen 3 (2020) sntrup653 630180 32541 45606
sntrup761 841462 35311 47977
sntrup857 1038697 42592 60883
sntrup953 1253426 47028 64965
sntrup1013 1435108 46973 66213
sntrup1277 2171656 60228 80954
Zen 2 (2019) sntrup653 938965 38397 60512
sntrup761 1254327 41018 63308
sntrup857 1602767 50833 82192
sntrup953 1956955 54960 86430
sntrup1013 2203462 55829 88492
sntrup1277 3464035 70184 108778
Cortex-A72 (2016) sntrup653 9582905 685284 1149001
sntrup761 12759145 882618 1530800
sntrup857 16122629 1077066 1924171
sntrup953 19832706 1290673 2364008
sntrup1013 22573875 1431952 2668071
sntrup1277 35773394 2153211 4220444
Skylake (2015) sntrup653 692941 39847 59024
sntrup761 831462 41784 61793
sntrup857 1128575 51224 78029
sntrup953 1305503 54602 82755
sntrup1013 1425447 57443 88127
sntrup1277 2202685 73622 108376
Haswell (2013) sntrup653 767219 44278 65223
sntrup761 939803 47008 69013
sntrup857 1271818 58349 89379
sntrup953 1488084 64012 94010
sntrup1013 1680440 65535 96216
sntrup1277 2720370 81871 122664

Microarchitectures are listed in reverse chronological order of when they were introduced.

In the libntruprime distribution, command/ntruprime-speed.c measures libntruprime; benchmarks/*-* is the output of ntruprime-speed on various machines; and autogen/md-speed extracts the table from those measurements.

The table reports only interquartile means of cycle counts, not the full distribution of cycle counts. See the full output files for differences between multiple measurements and the interquartile mean.

Faster sntrup software

There has been extensive further work on sntrup software speeds beyond the current libntruprime speeds. libntruprime has a policy of limiting code size, but if there are applications that need these speedups then they can still be considered for inclusion in libntruprime:

Version: This is version 2024.10.08 of the "Speed" web page.